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    Is a Chimney Cleaner Qualified to Clean Your Chimney?

    Hibu Websites • May 18, 2022

    As reported by Fox 40, the global chimney cleaner market is expected to grow to $597 million by the year 2026. It's easy to understand why. Technically speaking, chimney cleaners have worked for quite a long time. However, for a while, they didn't seem as accessible to the average homeowner. Now, we're beginning to realize that not only can we afford to hire chimney cleaners, but they are necessary. Who better than a chimney cleaner can ensure that your chimney is clear of debris and soot? This type of cleaning not only maintains the integrity of your chimney but ensures your home's air quality.

    The question is, how do you know if a chimney cleaner is actually qualified to clean your chimney? Chimney cleaning is more complicated than it might seem, and you don't want to allow someone to attempt it without being fully qualified and able. With that being said, let's look into how chimney cleaners learn to do what they do, and how you can determine that you're hiring a truly qualified chimney cleaner.

    How Do Chimney Cleaners Become Qualified?

    So, how do chimney cleaners become qualified to work in the first place? Typically, most chimney cleaners will learn on the job. Chimney cleaners often receive on-the-job training. However, there are other options available, and you may want to look into hiring chimney cleaners who have received more consistent, predictable training across the board.

    The other options available would include local training courses, which can vary in quality, or the National Chimney Sweep Training School offered by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. This kind of regulated course can offer a more consistent education and produce more consistent and qualified chimney cleaners.

    What Should I Look For When Hiring Chimney Cleaners?

    It's important for you to understand that you can ask companies about their cleaners' qualifications before hiring them. You should also check out their websites to see if they note those qualifications, and read reviews online before hiring them. Be thorough, and ask questions when you have them.

    Now that you know more about chimney cleaners' qualifications, you can set out to hire the right ones for you. Reach out to a chimney cleaning company and start asking questions today!

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