Your Local Chimney Experts
If your home has a fireplace and a chimney, chimney maintenance needs to be prioritized. Wood-burning fireplaces are a lovely addition to your home, but they can present a number of risks as well. Any time you are burning fuel inside of your home you run the risk of fire, and this even applies to chimneys. According to home expert Bob Vila, there are more than 25,000 chimney fires per year in the U.S. alone. It’s important that you know the signs that your chimney needs cleaning and maintenance. Here’s what to look for.
One common sign that your chimney needs attention is that the room will fill with smoke while using the fireplace. Not only is a smokey fireplace inconvenient, but it’s also a safety risk. A smokey fireplace indicates that the chimney needs cleaning. There may be a buildup of creosote in the chimney. This is a substance that is created when smoke mixes with condensation on the interior of the chimney. Creosote can catch fire. To solve this problem you need a chimney cleaning done.
Creosote is highly flammable and it’s very sticky. It clings to the inside of the chimney and will accumulate layer upon layer each time you have a fire. Creosote gathers in the recesses of the chimney and will collect if combustion can’t be completed due to wet wood. Allowing creosote to build up too much puts your home at extreme risk of fire as the substance can, and probably will, ignite at some point.
Soot and creosote are two different things although they are often confused with one another. Both are products of burning wood, but soot is thin and ashy. It will float around rather than cling to the chimney. Soot isn’t as dangerous as creosote, but it can make a mess in your home. In large amounts, it can be flammable.
To avoid these risks with your chimney, it’s essential that you have regular chimney maintenance performed. This is not a DIY project. You will need to hire a
chimney cleaning service to get the job done safely and effectively.
These are just a few things you need to know about chimney care. If you’re looking for chimney professionals in your area, contact Allphase Masonry & Chimney Services today. We are here for your chimney and fireplace needs.
Serving 13 counties
surrounding Albany, NY
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