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    Common Types of Chimney Repairs

    November 29, 2022

    The popularity of fireplaces is probably why the chimney industry's market size was $518 million in 2021, according to IBIS. Yet, most people don't understand the components of their chimneys or how to maintain them. Like anything else in your home, your chimney will deteriorate over time. There are many ways a chimney can get damaged, which also means there are many different types of chimney repairs available. Here's a list of different types of chimney repairs so you know what to look for.

    Chimney Lining Repairs

    Your chimney has a lining inside of it that prevents fires and corrosion. Taking care of your liner means a safe and long-lasting chimney. They're typically made of clay, ceramic, or metal, all of which will deteriorate over time and eventually need replacing.

    Cap and Crown Repairs

    Your chimney's cap and crown are crucial to keeping your chimney functional. They protect your chimney from the elements, prevent critters from getting inside, and ensure proper airflow. It's hard to spot when they need repairing, which is why you should have annual chimney inspections.

    Mortar Repair

    Mortar is the sealant that keeps the masonry of your chimney together. Without it, water can enter both the brick and the chimney itself, which can damage it severely. If you suspect your mortar needs repairing, call a chimney contractor right away.

    Damper and Flue Repair

    Your flue and damper are critical to fire safety. The flue draws smoke and sparks up through your chimney and away from your home, while the damper is essentially a lid for the flue that is opened while the fire is burning and closed when it's not. If your damper doesn't close, then anything from the outside can go through the flue and into your home.

    Brick, Block, and Stone Rebuilding and Repair

    As strong as brick is, it does weaken over time. Considering it's the key to your chimney's integrity, the worst-case scenario is your chimney can collapse and be an extreme safety hazard. Even when not so extreme, your chimney's brick or stone is another aspect that makes your chimney vulnerable to the elements when it's in need of repairs.

    Parge Coating Repair

    The parge coat is what gives your smoke chamber a smooth surface. This gives the chamber more integrity, improves airflow, and aids in fire safety. It's a layer of mortar that also fills any cracks or holes. If you notice any cracks on the surface, it's best to call a chimney contractor.

    Hopefully you've learned more about the parts of your chimney and why they're important to maintain. If you notice anything that seems off, look into local
    chimney repair services from Allphase Masonry & Chimney Services.

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